Home Sweet Home
Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest.
- Henry Van Dyke
Home Energy Cleansing Ceremony
There is no better way to start life in your new home than with a housewarming with a difference!
Smudging is a practice that has been used for thousands of years for a wide variety of spiritual, ceremonial, and medicinal purposes.
Sage is used in combination with other plants in smudging; the sage for cleansing and the additional herbs for blessing and healing.
Smudging is performed during big life changes such as birth, death, moving into or out of a home, changing jobs, and divorce or separation. The smudging of a home is done to clarify the energy of the space and create peace and harmony.

Smudging is a process intended to purify, cleanse, and drive out negative energy, thoughts, or feelings from a space, person, or object while invoking positive energy, influences, and balance. It is an ancient and sacred practice, and should always be performed with respect and reverence.
Invite me into your home once you've got the keys or once you've moved in, so I can clarify the energy of the space and create peace and harmony. - affording you an energy reset!
As I move from room to room, getting into the all of the nooks and crannies, I will burn my wonderfully scented smudge stick, bringing light & positivity into your new home and life!
We will work together to incorporate a variety of rituals to rid your home of any negative energy and attract positivity to the space.
Even the happiest of homes has some negative vibrations from time to time, so start off as you mean to go on… Good Vibes Only!

What should we expect if we choose you as our celebrant?
* We can have as much contact as you need to put your mind at ease that you're getting the ceremony you require. Together we will get to know each other and bounce ideas around before I pull together the final ceremony.
* I will provide all necessary equipment and leave you with a spiritual house-warming gift following our ceremony.

Please note: A 50% non-refundable deposit is payable by BACS at time of booking to secure your date and for me to begin creating your ceremony.
The remaining balance is due by BACS one month before the ceremony date.