
If, like me, you believe in the forces of Nature and the Universe, you may wish to include a handfasting as part of your ceremony or opt for a handfasting instead of a traditional wedding ceremony.

For those who may not be familiar, a Handfasting ceremony is a little different from a traditional wedding ceremony in that it recognizes that love, like life, is dynamic. Traditionally, these ceremonies were done in Celtic lands, and vows could be taken for a year and a day, or they could be taken forever, because our Celtic ancestors understood that love changes from moment to moment, and that every couple and relationship is unique.

During a handfasting the couple will be invited into the sacred space decorated with flowers and foliage of the season and scented with sage and frankincense.  The couple's clasped hands are bound with cord or ribbon in the colours of your choice. 

I offer three choices of handfasting:

A Year-And-A-Day Handfasting

The cords will be loosely tied to symbolize that the handfasting is a commitment to each other, but one that is not an onerous one.

Full Celtic / Pagan / Wiccan Handfasting

This is a beautiful Mother-Earth-centred ceremony clearly focused on nature. One year and a day after being handfasted, the couple may return to the same spot where they took their initial vows and repeat their vows with the cords or ribbons tightly knotted to make their commitment binding. This symbolizes the intent to have a permanent relationship. Fun fact: This ritual is the source of the expression "to tie the knot!"

The Incorporated Ceremony - a Mini Handfasting

Sometimes a couple prefer a traditional wedding ceremony and include a handfasting ritual as part of it- immediately after saying their vows. This is becoming increasingly popular in traditional wedding ceremonies. This can be done for the couple or even one to include the children.

Would you like a hand-crafted hand-fasting cord to keep?

I can make you a beautiful hand-fasting cord to keep as a memento of your special day. You choose the colours to match your colour scheme and leave the rest to me. This service cost £60. 

What should we expect if we choose you as our celebrant?

*  We can have as  much contact as you need to put your mind at ease that you're getting the ceremony of your dreams. Together we will  get to know each other and bounce ideas around before I start crafting your ceremony.

* I will provide you with a questionnaire for you to give me all the important details and I will use them to create your personalised ceremony, including any rituals you wish to incorporate into it.

* I will arrive at the venue at least an hour before the ceremony to enable me to set up the sacred space in advance - and to calm any last minute nerves!

* I will provide an optional handfasting cord in your choice of colours, which is yours to keep as a memento of the ceremony.

* I will provide the optional use of a Quaich - Celtic love cup for the toast following your vows, and  a decorated Besom (broomstick) - for 'jumping the broom'.

* I will provide an optional commemorative wedding certificate, to be signed by the bride, groom and witnesses.

* I will always leave you with a keepsake copy of the script for you to look back on the day when you need a warm-fuzzies-fix! :-)

Please note: A 50% non-refundable deposit is payable by BACS at time of booking to secure your date and for me to begin creating your ceremony.

The remaining balance is due by BACS one month before the ceremony date.